Like many towers and bell ringers, we arrange a few social and other events throughout the year. After practice evening and Sunday evening ringing, we usually convene in the Druid’s Head. There is coffee in one of the ringer’s houses after Sunday morning ringing.
We have an annual dinner.
And like most bands we have an annual outing which involves either a weekend trip or a day trip to towers around the country.
Kingston bell ringers day trip to 6 towers in Cheltenham in 2019
We also have an annual barbecue hosted by one of our members.
The six most recent Kingston tower captains at the 2014 barbecue
And we round off the year with a New Year’s Eve party prior to greeting the New Year with ringing.
Ringing in the new year 2019โ2020
Ringing in the new year 2022โ2023
We also take our part in Surrey Association activities, including the annual Easter quiz and the striking competitions.
The winning Kingston teams for the Surrey Association 6 and 8 bell striking competition 2019
As well as occasional extra events …
Ringers’ boat trip on the Thames, July 2013
As a member of the band you are welcome to take part in as many or as few of these activities as you would like.