Our Bells Need Help to Keep Ringing!
Following our annual service and maintenance report on our magnificent bells, we have been advised that they need some work done on them. Did you know that they haven’t had much done since the great overhaul of 1972-3?
The Eleventh Bell (the 2nd biggest and nearly a tonne in weight) is the main concern and needs to be taken down off its frame and have the gudgeon replaced; luckily the work can be done on site so there is no need to get it out of the tower! All of the other bells need to be refurbished which involves replacing the bearings and having each of their clappers removed and taken off site to do the work. Additionally the main frame which holds all of the bells needs refurbishment. All in all, the work will take approximately 6 weeks and money is being raised to cover the costs of around £30,000.
If you would like to donate, please use the Donate button on the church’s website here or do a BAC transfer:
Account name: All Saints Kingston upon Thames
Account number: 80100447
Sort code: 40-26-12
Ref: Bells
If you are a taxpayer, please click on the “gift aid” button which enables us to claim a further 25% of your donation (at no further cost to you) from the exchequer. Email us for the gift aid form if you have used BAC to donate: kateflavell1@gmail.com

Thank you for your kind donation – and for helping us keep the bells ringing!